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If you want your teen to have a strong and healthy smile this spring, then our dentist, Dr. Steven J. Brazis, is happy to help you help them reach those goals. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to help your teen keep their teeth and gums in the best condition possible while they enjoy the warm weather and participate in outdoor activities. Some of those things are:

-Bring them into our office: If your teen has dental issues, this is the time to fix them and restore the oral health. If they don’t, this is the time to professionally clean and examine their smile to prevent dental issues and ensure everything is in tip-top shape.

-Encourage oral hygiene: Your teen should brush twice a day, floss once a day and rinse with mouthwash daily. These things will remove the bacteria and harmful substances from the teeth and gums to prevent dental issues, keeping their smile healthy and beautiful.

-Encourage the use of a mouthguard: If your teen participates in high-contact sports and activities, then it’s important that they wear a mouthguard while doing so. A mouthguard can prevent oral injuries if they get hit in the mouth.

If you have any questions, or if you would like to know more about how to help your teen have a healthy spring smile, please reach out to our office. Our dental team and dentist in Sacramento, California, are happy to help you in any way we can, so please call 916-731-5151 now!