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A new year often puts a new focus on positive lifestyle changes, such as maintaining a proper diet and exercising regularly. We know that proper nutrition is important for energy and the functioning of our bodies, but have you ever stopped to think of how nutrition affects your mouth?

The easiest way to ensure you get the proper nutrients for your oral health is to eat a balanced diet of whole grains, lean proteins, low-fat dairy, vegetables, and fruits. Lowering your sugar and salt intake can also be beneficial. Below are some healthy options to help your mouth health goals for 2018.

Choose Dairy If You Can: Dairy products, such as milk, yogurt, and cheese, are naturally low in sugar. Of course, there are sugared options such as chocolate milk or sweetened yogurt, but those are easy enough to avoid. Choose low-fat, low-sugar options instead, for a boost in necessary nutrients such as calcium and protein.

Choose Fruit: When you need something sweet, choose a piece of fruit. Fruit–especially crunchy fruits such as apples and pears–contributes to mouth health. The fiber and water content present in the fruit help to balance out the sugar content. Additionally, crisp fruit serve to scrape off plaque and debris from teeth.

For more information, call Steven J. Brazis, DDS in Sacramento, California, at 916-731-5151.  Dr. Steven J. Brazis and our team are happy to help!